Sunday, 24 May 2009

current events in the UK news

Well done Joanna Lumley. it's great to see the glorious Gurkhas getting their true recognition as true friends of Britain. The sad thing is that they not only had to fight and to die for us but they had to fight for the right to live with us afterwards. Shame on the government for making them work so hard to prove they were worth it. Not so the rubbish, British hating toe-rags we allow in to bleed the benefits system dry. 

MP's on the take. 
I do not think we should expect our MP's to be lilly-white. I am nervous of the too clean bible punching puritans. I like to think our MP's are worldly wise and can stand their corner for us when the chips are down. Let them have a few human flaws. We all know they cheat the system from time to time. It is the blatant ones I object to, who flout the law. 

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Hello, I'm Harry Riley. i am married with two grown up children. My main leisure activities are touring the Scottish Borders and reading Scottish Authors, both classic and modern. I write short stories on the internet 'Authspot' and broadcast on YouTube as 'harryxxxxxriley'